Who's War??????
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Trop un bon texte de Amir Taheri ... allez aussi voir sa description:
Land not at issue in war of worlds
This is just the start of a showdown between the
West and 'the Rest', writes Iranian commentator
Amir Taheri
August 07, 2006
"MANY in the West see the mini-war between Israel and Hezbollah, now in its fourth week, as another episode in a tedious saga of an Arab-Jewish conflict that began with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, a political version of the "original sin".
The conventional wisdom in the West is that the whole tale would end if Israel were to return the occupied territories to the Palestinians, allowing them to create a state of their own. "
Lisez le reste ici:
Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20041094-601,00.html
Trop interessant!!!
Trop un bon texte de Amir Taheri ... allez aussi voir sa description:
Land not at issue in war of worlds
This is just the start of a showdown between the
West and 'the Rest', writes Iranian commentator
Amir Taheri
August 07, 2006
"MANY in the West see the mini-war between Israel and Hezbollah, now in its fourth week, as another episode in a tedious saga of an Arab-Jewish conflict that began with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, a political version of the "original sin".
The conventional wisdom in the West is that the whole tale would end if Israel were to return the occupied territories to the Palestinians, allowing them to create a state of their own. "
Lisez le reste ici:
Source: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20041094-601,00.html
Trop interessant!!!